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Photo Wars is a unique and different Photo Competition with Five Rounds in the year. This year we will be doing a Round each month! Each round our judges pick a subject for photographers to shoot for with a new subject each round. We have beginner, intermediate and advanced category. Photographers can submit up to four photos with their registration. Our judges pick one photo from all submission from each category. The judges give feed back and expert advice to our winners. Plus anyone who registers can get input from our judges whether they won or not. We take the winning photos along with a short bio of the winning photographer and display them on online photo galleries and at live Art Events. We are always looking for new places to display our winners, so if have a gallery online let us know. The goal is to expose those with a natural talent, an "eye" for photography.
Round 1: Subject: Self Portrait. Deadline for submission, up to 4 photos is Feb. 28th
2015 Events
Round 2: We are having two Subjects this Round! "Night Light Painting" and/or "Sunsets" Pick one or do both! Deadline April 30th. Submit up to 4 photos with your registration.
Round 3: Subject Color. Deadline June 30th.
Round 4: Subject: Landscape. Deadline is August 31st. Submit up to 4 photos.
Sept. 5th and Oct 3rd and on display the whole month
Arts Alive, Eureka, CA at Cafe Nooner
2014 Events
July 5th Displaying all winners at Cafe Nooner for Arts Alive in Eureka, CA 6-9pm
2013 Past Events
March 8th displaying winner of Round 1 at the Arcata Photo Studio at Arts Alive Arcata CA> 6-9pm
May 4th Arts Alive Eureka, CA 6-9pm Humboldt Bay Coffee
Oct. 5th Arts Alive Eureka, CA 6-9pm
Wolf Dawg in the Vance Hotel
Dec. 14th Annual displaying at Ink'd Chronicles in Pomona Ca for the Pomona Art Walk
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